Because we consider you an important customer, our first priority is to offer you exceptional times and stays at our park.
Your complete satisfaction and confidence in Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park are absolutely essential to us.
That’s why, as part of our commitment to meeting your expectations, we have set up a customer privacy protection policy. This policy formalizes our commitments to you and describes how Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park uses your personal data.
The main rules applicable within Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park are founded on seven principles.
“Personal data” means any information collected and logged in a format that allows you to be identified personally, either directly (e.g. name) or indirectly (e.g. telephone number) as a natural person. Before providing us with this information, we recommend that you read this document describing our customer privacy protection policy.
This customer privacy protection policy forms part of the terms and conditions that govern our holiday park services. By accepting these terms and conditions, you expressly accept the provisions of this policy.
The seven principles below are applicable at the Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park in New Zealand.
For any questions concerning the seven principles of Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Data Protection, please contact us using the contact methods outlined in clause 13.
This policy applies:
At various times, we will be obliged to ask you, as a Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park customer, for information about you and/or members of your family, such as:
The information collected in relation to persons under 18 years of age is limited to their name, nationality and date of birth, which can only be supplied to us by an adult. We would be grateful if you could ensure that your children do not send us any personal data without your consent (particularly via the Internet). If such data is sent, you can contact us to arrange for this information to be deleted.
We do not deliberately collect sensitive information, such as information concerning race, ethnicity, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, union membership, or details of health or sexual orientation.
Moreover, depending on applicable local laws, other information could be considered sensitive, such as your credit card number, your leisure activities, personal activities and hobbies, and whether or not you are a smoker. We may be obliged to collect such information in order to meet your requirements or provide you with an appropriate service.
In this case, depending on the laws in force in certain countries, your prior consent may be required with regard to the collection of sensitive information.
Personal data may be collected on a variety of occasions, including:
We collect your personal data for the purposes of:
We endeavour to provide you with the same services throughout the world. Thus, to guarantee you the right of access and amendment (clause 13), we have to share your personal data with internal and external recipients subject to the following conditions:
For the purposes set out in Clause 7 of this policy, we may transfer your personal data to internal or external recipients who may be in countries offering different levels of personal data protection.
Consequently, in addition to implementation of this policy, Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park employs appropriate measures to ensure secure transfer of your personal data to a Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park entity or to an external recipient located in a country offering a different level of privacy from that proposed in the country where the personal data is collected.
As part of these activities, your data may be sent, in particular as part of the reservation process, to Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park located outside of the European Union, in particular in the following countries: Australia and New Zealand.
Other than those that are required to carry out your reservation, dataflows to countries having different levels of personal data protection are regulated by standard contractual manager-to-subcontractor clauses defined by the European Commission.
Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park takes appropriate technical and organizational measures, in accordance with applicable legal provisions, to protect your personal data against illicit or accidental destruction, accidental alteration or loss, and unauthorized access or disclosure. To this end, we have taken technical measures (such as firewalls) and organizational measures (such as a user ID/password system, means of physical protection etc.).
When you submit credit card data when making a reservation, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology is used to guarantee a secure transaction.
Use of cookies by Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park
You are advised that the company Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park uses cookies or other tracers on its online booking sites
These tracers may be installed on your device depending on the preferences that you expressed or may express at any time in accordance with this policy.
With a view to provide information and ensure transparency, Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park established this policy so that you can learn more about:
Cookies and other similar tracers are packets of data used by servers to send status information to a user’s browser and return status information to the original server through this same browser.
The status information can be a session identifier, a language, an expiration date, a response field or other types of information.
During their validity period, cookies are used to store status information when a browser accesses various pages of a website or when the browser returns to this website at a later point.
There are different types of cookies:
We use cookies and other tracers primarily for the following purposes:
Cookies strictly necessary for browsing the Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Website and the ability to use all of their features, and intended in particular to:
Cookies for features intended in particular to:
Cookies for visitor tracking are aimed at improving the comfort of users by helping us understand your interactions with Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites (most visited pages, applications used, etc.); these cookies may collect statistics or test different ways of displaying information in order to improve the relevance and usability of our services.
Affiliate cookies identify the third-party website that redirected a visitor to Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites.
Social network cookies, set by third parties, allow you to share your opinion about and content from Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites on social networks (for example, the “Share” or “Like” application buttons for social networks).
Review site cookies, set by third parties, display external review data about our parks.
The social network applications on Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites as mentioned above can in some cases allow the social networks concerned to identify you even if you did not click on the application button. This type of button can allow a social network to track your browsing on Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites, simply because your account in the social network concerned is enabled on your device (open session) while you are browsing.
We recommend that you read the policies of these social networks to familiarize yourself with how they use the browsing information they may collect, especially with regard to advertising. These policies must specifically allow you to make choices on these social networks, particularly by configuring your user accounts for each of them.
The installation of certain cookies is subject to your consent. Also, when you first visit the Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites, you are asked whether you agree to the installation of this type of cookie, which is only activated after your acceptance.
This process is supported by means of a chat popup on the home page of the Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites, which informs you that by continuing to browse, you are agreeing to the installation of cookies that require consent on your device.
You can change your mind at any time using the various methods described in section “Deleting and/or blocking cookies”.
You have several options for deleting cookies and other tracers.
Browser settings
Although most browsers are set by default to accept cookies, you can, if you desire, choose to accept all cookies, always block cookies, or choose which cookies to accept based on their senders.
You can also set your browser to accept or block cookies on a case-by-case basis before they are installed. Your browser also allows you to regularly delete cookies from your device. Remember to configure all the browsers in your different devices (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.).
Regarding management of cookies and your preferences, configuration varies for each browser. This is described in the Help menu of your browser, as well as how to edit your preferences with regard to cookies. For example:
Saving a cookie to your device depends on your wishes, which you can exercise and change at any time and free of charge using the settings offered by your browser software.
If your browser is set to accept cookies on your device, the cookies embedded in the pages and content that you view may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your device. They can only be read by their issuer.
However, you can set your browser to block cookies. Keep in mind that if you set your browser to block cookies, some features, pages and spaces on Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Websites will not be accessible, and we cannot be held responsible in this case.
Specialized advertising platforms
Several professional advertising platforms also give you the option to accept or block cookies used by companies that are members. These centralized mechanisms do not block the display of ads; they simply prevent the installation of cookies that tailor ads to your interests.
For example, you can visit the website to prohibit the installation of these cookies on your device. This website is offered by digital advertising professionals brought together within the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) and managed in France by Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
We retain your personal data only for the period necessary for the purposes set out in this policy or in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.
You have the right to access your personal data collected by Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park and to modify it subject to applicable legal provisions.
You may also exercise your right to object by writing to the address below.
In the event of difficulty exercising your rights, please contact the Data Privacy department for Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park directly by sending an email to or by writing to the address below:
Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park Privacy Department
1 James Street, Russell NZ
For the purposes of confidentiality and personal data protection, we will need to identify you in order to respond to your request. You will be asked to include a copy of an official piece of identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, along with your request.
If your personal data is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date, please send the appropriate amendments to the Data Privacy department as indicated above.
All requests will receive a response as swiftly as possible and in accordance with applicable law.
You may also exercise your rights in respect of your personal data that is stored and processed by a hotel following a stay. To do this, you must contact the hotel directly.
We may modify this policy from time to time. Consequently, we recommend that you consult it regularly, particularly when making a reservation at one of our hotels.
For any questions concerning Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park personal data protection policy, please contact the Data Privacy department (details above in clause 13).
AJC Investment Holdings Limited trading as Russell TOP10 Holiday Park.
Russell TOP 10 Holiday Park
1 James Street, Russell NZ
Ph: +64 9 4037826
Ph: 0800 148 671
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